What to Wear
What to wear during my appointment?
During this type of session, the client moves frequently between lying down, standing, walking, and sitting. Many kinds of street clothes can be worn, with athletic clothing working well. You will be asked to remove your shoes immediately upon entering the treatment room.
Most athletic clothing which has stretch works well: shorts or slim pants with slim shirts for everyone; tank tops, or yoga type clothing as long as it is not exceedingly tight or thick.
Soft fabrics such as sweatpants and T-shirts are easier to work with but not ideal if too baggy.
Avoid or remove prior to the start of the appointment:
Outer garments including jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts need to be removed before the treatment begins. There is a hanger for bulkier items on the inside of the treatment room door.
Avoid wearing very tight-fitting restrictive clothing or professional office attire which limits range of motion. Denim and other thick fabrics are very difficult to work through and may have to be removed during the session.
Please empty your pockets of all items including cell phone, wallet, money clip, and spare change at the beginning of the session. Watches, fitness trackers and all other non-medically essential devices need to be removed.
What jewelry can be worn during sessions?
The accuracy of assessments can frequently be distorted by small variations in weight being applied to different areas of the body. Jewelry and body piercings, if possible, should be removed prior to the start of the appointment – small, stud earrings and wedding bands can usually be worn, however, if in doubt, please remove.
Corrective eyewear
Tensions in the neck, jaw and head can frequently have associated strains that relate to ideal eye position, movement and balance. If you normally wear glasses, you will be asked to remove your glasses prior to standing or seated assessments. If you normally wear contact lenses, you will be asked to remove them prior to the session; you can wear glasses to your session, which will entail temporary removal.
Fragrances can sometimes linger in the treatment room for hours after a client’s session. Some clients are strongly affected by fragrances and may have allergic or asthmatic responses. Please be considerate of other clients and avoid wearing fragrances to your appointment.