The process of meditation is a journey towards gaining deeper insights into the nature of one’s own mind. In the western tradition, the mind is frequently thought of as the brain or the stream of conscious thoughts that flows through the brain. From an eastern viewpoint, the mind encompasses a broader description to include the nature of consciousness itself.
Through the process of meditation or mind training, we learn to first tame the mind and then to observe it with greater scrutiny. In the process of doing so, we develop skills to better direct what thoughts the mind ruminates on. Eventually we develop the ability to allow the mind to rest in soft, single-pointed concentration for greater lengths of time.
As the mind is conditioned to rest more and follow the never-ending stream of thoughts less, insight begins to arise about the nature of our outer and inner sensory experience. Through this insight we are able to delve deeper into our own experience: physical, emotional and mental. This eventually leads to compassion on the commonality of our experience with those around us as greater swaths of our active life become a reflection of the wisdom gained while practicing meditation.