“Follow your bliss, don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
The word process suggests a change in something. To change, the something, whether physical or emotional, must be adaptable or flexible enough to alter its functioning. Any structure, whether energetic or physical, has to be adaptable just to accommodate the variable forces that are encountered in daily life. This adaptability can be a certain level of yield or flexibility that allows the forces of change to flow through the structure without damaging or altering it to such an extent that the structure fails to function.
A force of change that produces a positive adaption in part of a structure, such as movement from exercise, can create beneficial functional evolution in the entire structure over time. With more complex systems, such as human bodies, many times the local adaptions from injuries, illnesses or other traumas have system-wide impacts that actually reduce ideal functioning. When this occurs, forces such as gravity and basic tissue movement create a negative cascading effect that can detract from functioning as a whole. This resistance creates a disruption in the inherent flow, or energy, of beneficial change and may spread over time.
This can also be observed in the effects that emotions have on the body. Emotional blocks or resistance can show up as physical tension, tissues of the body stuck to one another, or mental and emotional patterns that create disharmony and detract from the overall well-being of our experience.
To create lasting change in the body requires approaching many different aspects of the system in the most beneficial sequence. Determining the primary inhibitor of vibrant, complete health is key. This is accomplished one step at a time by assessing what area and/or layer of tissue is inhibiting lasting change from occurring in the system at that specific time. The assessment is done using intuitive listening, dialoging, and manual mobility assessment. Then a sequence of interventions can be designed to best serve the integration needs of the system as a whole.
Determining a sequence could be thought of as trying to unravel a large ball of knotted string or an intricate three-dimensional puzzle. It would be easy to find areas where the string is tangled very tightly. Without taking into consideration the relationship of the entire system with the tightly tangled area, it is likely that pulling on one area will make another area tight.
If the entire target area is tight and stuck, the area of focus will have no larger space to release into. Without sufficient space and ease, change is less likely to spontaneously occur. Skillful sequence is key to sustained change. One or more of the following approaches can be beneficial.
Geometry underlies the structure of the universe - from elemental atoms to complex biological organisms.
“Through Matthew’s work, I realized that the true meaning of health is wholeness - it’s the unity of mind, body and spirit.”